Category Archives: Plumbers

Why Sumich Plumbing is the Best Plumbing Company in Auckland

sumich plumbing

When it comes to choosing a plumber, most people ask around and choose a company that has been referred to them. So we don’t usually talk ourselves up too much – we prefer to let our quality work speak for itself.
Recently, however, Sumich Plumbing & Drainage was rated as one of the top cleaning companies in Auckland by Top Reviews, one of the leading review websites. This is based on customer feedback and reviews, so to be thought of in that high esteem by the people of Auckland is something we’re immensely proud of.
Customer feedback tells us that when looking for a plumber, people are interested in:
Range of services
Length of experience
You can be sure that when you contact Sumich Plumbing & Drainage, we tick all of these boxes to provide the best plumbing services in Auckland.

Plumbing Tips And Tricks

winter plumbing tips

It’s essential to keep all of the plumbing and drainage systems in and around your home working properly during winter. For us in Auckland, winter is wetter, colder and darker than any other time of year.
While we can’t control the weather, we can control how to feel warmer and drier. And there are things we can do to minimise the risk of being without heating or hot water during the winter.

5 Plumbing Tips for Pet Owners

plumbing tips for pet owners

For most pet owners, our little furry friends are treated like another member of the family. We love them and they love us back, but they don’t always do as they’re told. We love their playfulness and curiosity, but there are some areas we need them to stay away from.

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to get our pets to do what we want. So we have to do what we can to ensure they don’t create plumbing problems in and around the home.

Here are our 5 top plumbing tips for pet owners:

Does Sumich Plumbing Provide Free Quotes?

West Auckland Plumber

Sumich Plumbing & Drainage can help with all your Plumbing and Drainage needs Auckland-wide. We provide a friendly, prompt and professional plumbing, gas and drainage service to Auckland.
Free Quotes*
Get a FREE quote* for Plumbing, Drainage, Heating, Gas Fitting, Roofing and Back Flow Prevention.
Sumich Plumbing & Drainage provides a range of residential and commercial property services, including plumbing installation and repairs, drainage solutions, hot water heating options, gas fitting installations, roofing, spouting and downpipe maintenance and repair work and backflow prevention testing and installation.
If you require any of these services or would like to talk to Auckland plumbing contractors about specific requirements, please fill out the form on our FREE QUOTES page and we will contact you within the day.
*Some conditions apply